The American School in Vietnam (TAS) is located in Ho Chi Minh City's Thu Duc City. After ten years at the original campus in Thao Dien, TAS has just moved to a new, state-of-the-art 30,000 sq. meter facility along a tributar...
All three of the authors gave years of their prime time and effort to the Americanization of the Saigon Medical School, and my remarks, written more than a decade after the departure of the United States from Vietnam, have the obvious flaw of carping from the safety of today, without the...
four Asian American women respond to the sexual stereotypes of them as geishas, exotic virgins and suicidal Miss Saigon’s T.W.E.E.D. (New Works, 1993) Boy (La Jolla Playhouse, 1996) When a couples fourth daughter is born they are determined to make everybody think she is their desper...
but this isn’t the only thing that sets it apart; contrary to most Asian political voting patterns, Little Saigon has consistently been a Republican bastion along with the rest of Orange County–a trend that has been set ever since the first wave of migration following the fall of Saigon....
MISS SAIGON'S WAIFS; Janice Annal Journeys Back to the Country She Fell in Love with for a Heart-Rending Reunion; TIES THAT BIND: 35 Years after American GIs Invaded Vietnam, a Scots Nurse Returns to Meet Orphans She Saved from Evil Viet Cong ...
It shares its maritime borders with Thailand through the Gulf of Thailand, and the Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia through the South China Sea. The capital city is Hanoi, while its most populous city and commercial hub is Ho Chi Minh City, also known by its former name of Saigon. ...
R.A.W. stands for ‘Raunchy Asian Woman,’ as the play explores stereotypes about Asian woman, such as that of the geisha, the exotic virgin, or the suicidal Miss Saigon. An all Asian American women cast perform dance, music, and spoken word. Their voices address the politics between mix...
It’s 1975, after the fall of Saigon. Two young survivors (who may or may not be the playwright’s parents) meet in Arkansas. Will this strange land of burritos, bikers, hippies and pot allow them to fall in love? Flipping stereotypes and remixing history,Vietgonecooks up a sexy, funn...
Kissinger negotiated America’s exit from the disastrous Vietnam War, sharing the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize with North Vietnam’s Le Duc Tho for a cease-fire agreement that year. Nearly two years later, Nixon’s self-described “peace with honor” collapsed with the fall of Saigon to the Vie...
40th Anniversary of the Fall of Saigon Timeline of the 1970s U.S. Death Toll During Major Events 9 Questions About the Vietnam War Answered Discover How Many Electoral College Votes Does Each U.S. State Have? How Does the Olympic Torch Stay Lit? How Many Countries Are There in the...