indian american 美籍印度人native american / american indian 美洲印第安人 印度人和印第安人是两种不同的种族,美籍印度人可以用 indian american,但是美洲印第安人是指美洲原住民,所以是用 native american / american indian.要把indian 和 american顺序分清楚.结果...
American Indian n. A member of any of the peoples indigenous to the Americas except the Eskimo, Aleut, and Inuit. American Indianadj. Usage Note:In principle,American Indiancan apply to all native peoples throughout the Americas except the Eskimo, Aleut, and Inuit, but in practice it is ...
这个两个其实没什么区别,都可以指美国印第安人...不过native american 范围比america's indian 要大,在其他语境下也可以指美国本地人/原住民...另外还有后者多用在正式场合和文书中,比较正规。前者多用于口语或随笔之类的小文章中。同样都是指美国原住民 :)...
Define South American Indian. South American Indian synonyms, South American Indian pronunciation, South American Indian translation, English dictionary definition of South American Indian. Noun 1. South American Indian - a member of a native Indian grou
Native American和America's Indian的区别 一、Native American和America's Indian都用来描述美国的土著民族,但两者存在一些微妙的差异。Native American更强调原住民的身份和文化连结,而America's Indian则有时被用作更广泛的描述,可能包括非原住民但居住在美国的印度后裔。二、1. Native American的含义...
American Kahani (story) is a multimedia website where South Asians congregate to tell stories of their American voice.
同义词:AmerindAmerindian languageAmerican-Indian languageIndian 学习怎么用 双语例句 The tomahawk was important to the American Indian. 战斧对美洲印第安人极为重要。 Some of the American Indians lived by hunting for their food. 有些美洲印第安人以狩猎为生。
American Indian是什么意思 n. 美国印地安人; American Indian英英释义 noun a member of any of the Indigenous peoples of the western hemisphere except often certain peoples (such as the Yupik and Inuit) who live in arctic regionsespecially: an American Indian of North America and especially the U...
American Indian南美洲印第。服饰特点北美洲的传统服装主要是印第安人创造的,印第安人的服饰取材于天然的棉麻印,款式非常简单。南部的印第安人甚至不穿衣服,以示与大自然的亲近,形态逼真的鱼类、走兽和飞乌等都可以“穿”在身上。羚羊 - 欧洲中古精品小店于20240504发