Hispanics 16.3%, Blacks 12.6%, Asians 4.8 %, American Indians and Alaska Natives 0.9%, and Native Hawaii and other Pacific Islanders 0.2%. 2. The most densely populated region is the northeastern area, including parts of New England, the Mid Atlantic and Mid West. The size of th...
【参考译文】一些南亚和东南亚裔美国人可能不会认同亚裔美国人的标签,而是自称为“棕色亚裔”或简单地称自己为“棕色人种”,这是因为他们认为自己与东亚裔美国人在种族和文化上存在差异。[51][52][53] 2. 人口统计 | Demographics Main article: Demographics of Asian Americans【主条目:亚裔美国人的人口统计】 ...