With Anna-Kat and Franklin home sick, Katie seizes the opportunity to use them as the backdrop for her mommy vlog; Greg becomes suspicious when Taylor's first college paper comes back with an A; Cooper helps Oliver renovate the basement. ...
Anna-Kat develops a fear of water and stops bathing. Episode 22 Dude, Where's My Napkin? Katie and Greg enjoy a night out with Angela's ex. Episode 23 Can't Hide It Anymore Katie fakes being pregnant to avoid volunteering. You May Also Like ...
American Housewife: Sarah Dunn के द्वारा बनाया गया. Katy Mixon Greer, Diedrich Bader, Daniel DiMaggio, Ali Wong के साथ. केटी द्वारा सुनाई गई
American Housewife Soundtrack October 11, 2016 | 47 Songs Follow Jump to the latest episode > Season 3 | E4 | Enemies: An Otto Story Anna-Kat runs for the Green Chair position in the school election against Chloe Brown Mueller's daughter, which results in Katie and Chloe turning their ...
Keaton, and Julia Butters is the obsessive-compulsive youngest child, Anna-Kat Otto. To keep her sanity, Katie is often seen conversing with her pals, played by Carly Hughes and Ali Wong. “I think that it celebrates what a marriage can be, and what it’s like to have...
The Spring Gala: Directed by John Putch. With Katy Mixon Greer, Diedrich Bader, Meg Donnelly, Daniel DiMaggio. When things start to fall apart at the last minute, Katie figures out a new way to make the spring gala a success. Meanwhile, Greg attempts to
如果我这样做 If I did that, 在院子里撒尿的就不只是安娜凯特了 Anna-Kat wouldn't be the only one peeing in the yard. 快上车 Get in the car. 我们得去下办公用品店 Oh, and we have to stop by Office Depot. 我得为学校的回报活动印些海报 I need to make some posters for the school's ...
一定要甩掉那头猪 That pig has got to go. 我知道 但我能怎么做 我不能把当猪肉卖掉 I know! But what do I do? I can't sell him for meat. 安娜凯特认为它是家人 Anna-Kat considers him family. 君,已阅读到文档的结尾了呢~~ 立即下载 相似精选,再来一篇 更多 喜欢该文档的用户还喜欢 ...
Anna-Kat has a touch of the anxieties. => 安娜吉有一丝忧虑。 Not Rain Man anxiety, but it's not in the familynewsletter. => 不是雨人焦虑,但它不是在家庭时事通讯。 Clean. => 清洁。 She's my favorite. => 她是我的最爱。 That's right I said it. ...
Anna-Kat'sfinallyoldenoughtocampwithus, 也许你会喜欢的 andyoumightjustlikeit. 现在遵守奥图家族传统还不晚 It'snottoolatetofollowintheOttofamilytradition. 有些家庭是军人有些是警察 Somefamiliesaresoldiers,somecops. 我们是童子军 We'rescouts. 鹰童军 EagleScouts. 我一直渴望在脖子上戴上红巾 Well,I'...