His signature style combines elements of horror, vaudeville, and garage rock, pushing boundaries and challenging conventional norms. Cooper's journey into music started with a spoof band named The Earwigs, formed to participate in a high school talent show. This group...
For story-telling, put somebody like, say, “post-black” painter Rashid Johnson, who did, notably, the interior “Broken Nine” mosaic at the New York’s Metropolitan Opera. For unique reality, think, say, of Jorinde Voigt, who paints the bio-quantic reality that undergirds our ordinary...
THE GOOD LIFE (Director and Screenwriter: Steve Berra) -- A story about a "mostly normal" young man whose small town existence running a faded movie palace is shaken when he comes in contact with a mysterious young woman. World premiere. ...
However, when the women have sashayed to the center stage and segued into costumes of white panties over black leotard with banana leaf halters and the far off music has become whole-stage present, the slave market story doesn’t make much sense. With my casual racism out of the way as...
Some of these people complain that they missed the boat to buy but then don’t end up buying in the market today. If you believe home prices will go up as a fundamental principle, it doesn’t matter if you bought today or 10 years ago. In reality...
Never one to pass up a marketing opportunity, this first day of autumn brings the season of the harvest festival. No matter that the Harvest Moon is weeks away. A time of ripe apples, perfect root vegetables, and late season corn. Steamy days of sterilizing jars, vats of vinegar, pickling...
His signature style combines elements of horror, vaudeville, and garage rock, pushing boundaries and challenging conventional norms. Cooper's journey into music started with a spoof band named The Earwigs, formed to participate in a high school talent show. This group...
His signature style combines elements of horror, vaudeville, and garage rock, pushing boundaries and challenging conventional norms. Cooper's journey into music started with a spoof band named The Earwigs, formed to participate in a high school talent show. This group...
His signature style combines elements of horror, vaudeville, and garage rock, pushing boundaries and challenging conventional norms. Cooper's journey into music started with a spoof band named The Earwigs, formed to participate in a high school talent show. This group...
contemporary artists such as Virginie Roux-Cassé have to come to grips with the increasingly vast pile of past and present and their infinite substacks: artists, oeuvres, esthetics, theories, concepts, approaches, materials and techniques. Most triangulate their hands at a point between story-telli...