But first, Murphy is welcomed back to the horror genre by unveiling the limited series “Grotesquerie,” which debuted on FX Wednesday with a two-episode premiere event.“Grotesquerie” stars Murphy-favorite Niecy Nash-Betts (who also wears an executive producer hat on the series) as Detective...
These seasons of American Horror Story truly exemplify the potential for storytelling within the horror genre. Photo: YouTube 1 Murder House: Season 1 A family of three moves from Boston to Los Angeles to reconcile its painful past. Series: American Horror Story Season Premiere: ...
These seasons of American Horror Story truly exemplify the potential for storytelling within the horror genre. Photo: YouTube 1 Murder House: Season 1 A family of three moves from Boston to Los Angeles to reconcile its painful past. Series: American Horror Story Season Premiere:...
and the show itself searches for a genre - 1984 can't decide if its making fun of 80's slasher films or if its trying to be one, Double feature gives anthology style a chance and fails twice - neither story is long enough to tell a good story or short enough to dismiss. NYC is ...
American Horror Story, now set to enter Season 12, is a bone-chilling anthology series that has become an iconic part of the horror genre, pushing the boundaries of horror storytelling. Each season of the show tells a different self-contained story but shares a common thread of horror, suspe...
Exclusive: Amp International has closed a raft of virtual EFM pre-sales on The Elevator Game, the supernatural horror from filmmaker Michael Goi (American Horror Story).Capelight Pictures beat out competition to land German-speaking Europe; Paradise acquired Cis and the Baltics in another territory...
“American Horror Stories” is a weekly anthology series that will feature a different horror story each episode. Since 2011, the creators of “AHS” have redefined the horror genre with various installments featuring a creepy asylum, a coven of witches, a...
American Horror Story: Murder House tackled a lot of different horror sub-genres. Obviously, it honed in on ghost stories, but it also introduced home invasion, family horror, and serial killer mythology. One genre it never tackled though was Science Fiction. As opposed to Murder House, Asyl...
In 2011 Murphy and Falchuk createdAmerican Horror Story, an anthology series that mixes supernatural scares with historical true-crime andiconichorror-genre tropes. Each season has its ownpremiseand setting and is structured as a self-contained miniseries. Additionally, the same actors have frequently...
These seasons of American Horror Story truly exemplify the potential for storytelling within the horror genre. Photo: YouTube 1 Murder House: Season 1 A family of three moves from Boston to Los Angeles to reconcile its painful past. Series: American Horror Story Season Premiere:...