His signature style combines elements of horror, vaudeville, and garage rock, pushing boundaries and challenging conventional norms. Cooper's journey into music started with a spoof band named The Earwigs, formed to participate in a high school talent show. This group...
It was the height of the Vietnam War: Nixon, Kissinger, all of that. It was almost as if you could exhale. There’s a similar feeling now here that things are going really awry. You start thinking about, Well, where would I go? I was in my early 20s when I arrived in Paris, ...
Dramatic competition presents a range of subjects from personal stories about life in suburban and small-town America to stories taking place outside the U.S. The documentary competition naturally has films focused on the country's current travails in Iraq, such as Charles Ferguson'sand's, but...
forces on December 29, 2019, killing the PMF brigade 45 commander, Kadhim Alwan (Abu Ali al-Dibi).196 KH forces (mainly from PMF brigade 46) control Highway 20 (which parallels the Iraq-Syria border between the two sub-sectors,197 and ranches between the highway and the border.198 ...
“Atomic” puts aside the awful realization that “the bomber will always get through” as well as the actual experience and effects of the non-atomic firestorms at Dresden and elsewhere, the flattening of Warsaw, the flattening of Stalingrad, the flattening of Germany and then of Viet Nam, ...
If it is a rarity in our society to experience death in its moment, our mediated selves consume it daily through TV and film. Ever since Viet Nam, our living rooms have been the sites of death and destruction. The nightly news nearly always begins with stories of local gore – traffic ...
Nevertheless, my appearances on two national current affairs programs the same evening must have been a horror for leftist heresy hunters. Once again, they couldn't leave well enough alone. Hardly had the programs gone off the air before anti-racists were on the phone to producers, saying I ...
Even with that horror written on his face, he uses his last moments at American Panascope to appeal to his boss and coworkers. Surely they can see that life in this office is actually a living death? When Waturi, sneers at him, “I promise you, you’ll be easy to replace!” Joe...
A FAMOUS WRITER ONCEtold me, “You always want to have a couple of stories in your back pocket. You don’t want to be out with your buddies, everyone savoring their own delicious tale, and come up empty”. Same goes true for money. This weekend, however, I came up blank. Pocket li...
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