【第12集】Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones on the history of British and American intelligence rhodri jeffreys-jones对英美智力的历史译 【第13集】Advice for history graduate students 历史研究生的建议译 【第14集】The Freedmen's Bureau and the Native American Reservation System 自由民局和美国原住民保留地制度译...
COURSE:History 101“Introduction to American History” INSTRUCTOR:Dr, Jane Klammer. OFFICE:305 Marshall Hall. OFFICE HOURS:11∶15~12∶30 M W F(Monday Wednesday Friday). CLASS:363 Marshall Hall 3∶35~5∶00T Th (Tuesday Thursday). 10∶10~11∶00M W F Other times by appointment. TELEPHONE...
《Crash Course-American History/十分钟速成课-美国历史》由听友3079460创作,目前已更新4个节目,包含【CC美国历史】印第安人和英国殖民者之间的爱恨情仇、【CC美国历史】黑色传说,印第安人和西班牙人、【CC美国历史】贵格会教徒、荷兰人和女士们、【CC美国历史】感恩节
Check your knowledge of this course with a practice test Comprehensive test covering all topics in Ohio State Test - American History: Study Guide and Exam Prep Take multiple tests with new questions Detailed video explanations for wrong answers ...
Video: Native American Pottery | History & Symbols Video: Comparing Self-Taught Artists & the Regionalists Video: Comparing Renaissance & Baroque Use of Light & Plane Video: The Impressionists and Expressionists of Post-Realist Art Video: Effect of Social & Political Events on Neoclassical ...
CHENGDU, March 21 (Xinhua) -- Hope Justman, an 81-year-old American, completed her 24th trip to "Shudao," an ancient road system with a history of more than two millennia in southwest China's Sichuan Province. "I'm not a hiker, but a hiker by accident. Because the only way to ...
Welcome to the American Politics, Society, and History course! This course seeks to provide learners with a comprehensive understanding of American history, politics, society, and culture. The United States has been a beacon in the international communit
Course Length Start Date American Education Reform: History, Policy, Practice (Coursera) Discover what shapes how we talk about schools today by exploring the history of U.S. education reform. Engage with the main actors, key decisions, and major turning points in this history. See how so...
Video: Race & Ethnicity in Brazil | Demographics, History & Population Video: Brazilian Carnival Facts Video: Cuban American | History & Culture Video: Guarani People of Paraguay | History, Language & Culture Video: Hispanic Culture | Traditions, Beliefs & Facts Alida...
Francis Marion the Swamp Fox | Facts & History General Burgoyne Lesson for Kids: Facts, Battles & Surrender General Horatio Gates | Biography, Importance & Revolutionary War View all (22 more) Revolutionary War Courses US History History 102: Western Civilization II View course US History Major...