If we want good citizens, we need good historians, and therefore I think all students should major in history. If they prefer to major in something else, they should double-major in history and something else. And had I known then what I know now, I would have liked to build my ...
(AP) — If not for the coronavirus pandemic, Feng-Feng Yeh might never have learned about a lesser-known chapter of Chinese American history in her hometown of Tucson, Arizona. Yeh was an executive chef in New York City when ...
than in the last six.The circumstances leading to the change in Mr.Covey's course toward me form an epoch in my humble history.You have seen how a man was made a slave; you shall see how a slave was made a man.On one of the hottest days of the month...
“Black life is so important in American politics, culture, and history, that in order to really be conversant [about] those things, you have to know something about [African American Studies] ... [but] it is still treated as an outlier in schools as a ‘specialized’ are...
With the current President-elect having amassed a cabinet of uber-wealthy far exceeding that of any other in American history, you should not expect the habitability of the planet to be a topic of discussion or even a fleeting thought in their $kull. In fact, the first order of business ...
I have a trip planned to Paris March 18,2022. I am reading that everyone needs to have the booster shot after being vaccinated for 4 months or you will not get the Vaccine Pass. Do you know if this rule is also mandatory for people going to France from the US? Some articles I have...
His explanation not only conforms with the most compelling known facts, but it also conforms with Oppenheimer’s character—especially, as he had confessed to David Bohm five years earlier, “his tendency when things get too much” to say “irrational things.” Responding to Chairman Gray’s ...
CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN“An Intellectual Hotel ”In some sort of crude sense which no vulgarity, no humor, nooverstatement can quite extinguish, the physicists haveknown sin; and this is a knowledge which they cannot lose.ROBERT OPPENHEIMERTHE OPPENHEIMERS ARRIVED in Princeton in mid-July 1947, duri...
Accidents, wars, diseases, it’s pretty amazing that we can even have any maybe slightly accurate facts. Try looking up “the population of the United States”. Of course we don’t have anything accurate! When John Smith and his wife have a baby, how many other couples were also ...