•1620AgroupofPuritans(PilgrimFathers)landedAmericabyMayflower •1773Englishsettlershadoccupied13colonies Palos,Spain Columbus'sShips TheNina,thePintaandSantaMaria ColumbusDay •Date:SecondMondayinOctober•History:Fewcelebrationsmarked ChristopherColumbus’sdiscoveryoftheNewWorldoftheAmericasin1492untilhundreds...
History History Of America l1607 British First Settlement at James town, Virginia by London company.l1619 First group of black slaves introduced into Virginia.l1620 Pilgrims land at Plymouth Massl1621 First Thanksgivingl1765 The Stamp Act-the heavy tax The 2、Mayflower Compact, 1620l. ...
American History •Colonial Era •The War of Independence •The Civil War •America in the 20th and 21th Century Indians and Colonies 1. Descendants of: Mongoloid people in Asia 2.In 1492,Columbus found the islands of Caribbean, but he mistakingly indians thought he came to india, and...
文档标签: 英语国家概况之American History 系统标签: history american 联式 mayflower 概况 columbus ASurveyoftheUnitedStatesofAmerica 2.History HistoryOfAmerica l 1607BritishFirstSettlementatJamesto wn,VirginiabyLondoncompany. l 1619Firstgroupofblackslavesintro ducedintoVirginia. l 1620PilgrimslandatPlymouth...
The Convention is one of the central events in the history of the 17、 United States.lThe Constitution defines the three branches of the national government: a legislature, the bicameral Congress(两议两议院制议会院制议会); an executive branch led by the President; and a judicial branch headed...
AmericanHistory(I)(1600-1900)I.DiscoveryoftheNewWorld The“firstAmericans”weretheIndians.ChristopherColumbus,supportedbytheSpanishqueen,ledhismentosailacrossthevastoceanin1492andreachedsomesmallislandsinthenowWestIndies.AmerigoVespucci,provedthatthelandwasnotIndia,butanewcontinent.Therefore,thelandwasnamedAmericaafter...
It is a “super” country in the world and has more than 200 years history, a quite short history than other ancient countries. Within the paper, we are going to talk about the history of America in ten parts. It is the Pre-colonial Era, the Colonial Era, the war for independence, ...
About 20,000 years ago, they traveled to the North American continent acrossthe Bering Strait(白令海峡). 2.Christopher Columbusis believed to have discoveredAmerica. In 1492,Christopher ColumbusdiscoveredAmerica. However, he believed he had reachedIndiaand called the natives Indians. In 1500, Amerigo...
1、American HistoryAmerican HistoryAmerican HistoryI. America in the Colonial EraII. The American War of IndependenceIII. The American Civil WarIV. America in the 20th CenturyV. America in the 21st CenturyColonization of North America (1607-1776) Indians1The discovery of America2Early Colonial ...
免费在线预览全文 美国文学简史-第一部分-Colonial-American.ppt The Literature of the Colonial America and of Reason and Revolution 1.1 Historical Background In 1492, Christopher Columbus found the new continent called America. There were many immigrants: Spanish (they built the first town on the ne...