Aguirre twice in the ordered a child development center heart, twice in the head and beat his head across the street from the high school in with a tire iron. Two Armenian boys, locked down to keep its 72 children from being injured. There had been persistent racial tension at the school...
acknowledgment of any source of funding; disclaimers, if any; name and address of author to whom requests for reprints and galley proofs should be addresses; and name, telephone number, FAX number, email address, and address of author responsible for correspondence concerning the ma...
Stone NJ, Robinson JG, Lichtenstein AH, et al; American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. 2013 ACC/AHA guideline on the treatment of blood cholesterol to reduce atherosclerotic cardiovascular risk in adults: a report of the American Colleg...
She has also used her platform for philanthropic endeavors, advocating for numerous causes close to her heart. Credits (Film): Elf, Back to the Future Part III, Philadelphia, Step Brothers, The Help Also ranks #8 on 15 Actors Who Took Roles For The Sake Of Their Kids Also ranks #10...
The heart is the ultimate muscle. It can lift a heavy burden and make life easier. Those who meet Amy Wall notice her heart first. She was born deaf, the nerves in her ears, incurably damaged. “You can’t rebuild that inner ear,” her doctor, Matthew Bucko told me. “That is like...
The American Heart Association is actively offering ways for families to participate in this awareness campaign called "Life is Why: Family Health Challenge". This campaign is launched in September, which is marked as the National Childhood Obesity Month to make the families become healthier than be...
Between 1965 and 1969, Conant, suffering from a heart condition, worked on his autobiography, My Several Lives (1970). He became increasingly infirm, suffered a series of strokes in 1977, and died in a nursing home the following year. Birthplace: Dorchester, Boston, Massa...
In real life and Web experience, an object, even an emotional object, is seen: there is some association between seeing it and the emotions raised by the sight. In a rainstorm, for instance, from my kitchen window, a half mile of so up the hillside, I see a mother neighbor smoking on...
(City/state/country). If work described is supported by a grant from a pharmaceutical company, that fact should be stated on the title page. Add at the bottom the phrase "Corresponding author" followed a telephone number, email address, and mailing address. Add a 2-to 6-word running head...
Small has wildly thrown the wallet in the department store. Everywhere all has looked, also had not found, therefore goes to the local police station to report. In the wallet has the credit card and the cash, writes has oneself name good guesthouse telephone number card also inside the wall...