American Heart Association publications all go mobile.The article reports on the introduction of the American Heart Association of online-only "Journal of the American Heart Association," as part of its efforts to increase visibility in mobile networks.Weinstein...
美国心脏协会(AHA,American Heart Association)是心脏病学领域比较重要的学会之一,致力于心脏病和卒中的预防与治疗,提供相关继续教育、流行病学年度报告。 业务范围: Warning Signs:提供心脏病发作、中风和心跳停止的先兆症状。介绍美国心脏协会和NIH心脏、肺和血液研究所发起的Act in Time运动的情况及相应链接。 American...
The American Heart Journal will consider for publication suitable articles on topics pertaining to the broad discipline of cardiovascular disease. Our goal is to provide the reader primary investigation, scholarly review, and opinion concerning the pract
Table 4. 2014 American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists Protocol for Production of Clinical Practice Guidelines—Step IV: Examples of Qualifiers That May Be This CPG has been reviewed and approved by the primary writers, other invited experts, the AACE Publications Committee, the AACE Board ...
In the main study, participants were randomly assigned to three intervention groups: a MedDiet supplemented with virgin olive oil, a MedDiet supplemented with mixed nuts, or a low-fat diet according to the American Heart Association guidelines (control group). A complete description of the ...
The American Association of Singapore (AAS) is the heart of the American community in Singapore. AAS is a start up with a century-old history. We are taking AAS into the next 100 years with events designed to bring the community together in a fun and eng
Dr. Kelly Xia is fully certified by the American Heart Association for Advanced Life Support for Children (PALS) trainer, and was the first instructor in South China to offer PALS training in English. Dr. Xia is a proud recipient of the National Natural Science Foundation and the Guangdong ...
The objective of the Rationale of the Diet-Heart Statement of the American Heart Association was to restate the diet-heart recommendations of the American Heart Association and to quote the original publications on which they are based. Examination of those publications reveals that for the most par...
Publications Dept., American Heart Association, Alameda County Chapter, P.O. Box 5157, Oakland, CA 94605 (1988), 4-sided brochure folds out to 17″ × 24″ poster, $.30 each, $30 per 100 plus $2.50 postage and handling S.A.B. Show moreShow less Choose an option to locate/access ...