Patients with pHPT may have higher rates of myocardial infarction, hypertension, stroke, congestive heart failure, diabetes, and mortality (eAppendix in the Supplement). Observational studies in mild pHPT have yielded conflicting data about the improvement of cardiac parameters after parathyroidectomy. ...
Cardiac evaluation may be necessary, especially in the older patient, and may require an echocardiogram, electrocardiogram, Holter monitor, or myocardial perfusion studies (31). The need for evaluation should not postpone therapy of the thyrotoxicosis. In addition to the administra- tion of b-...
11:OO CILIARY MORPHOLOGY AND CARDIAC MALROTATION. P.S. Gerald, S.R. S c h u s t e r , R.N. Ruckman, E.E. Schneeberger, H a r v a r d Med. Sch. and C h i l d r e n ' s Hosp. Med. C t r . , Dept. o f Ped. Surg. C a r d i o l . and Path. ...
Evolution of cardiac rhabdomyoma in tuberous sclerosis complex. Clin Pediatr (Phila) 1996;35: 615–619. 174. Kiribuchi K, Uchida Y, Fukuyama Y, Maruyama H. High incidence of fundus hamartomas and clinical significance of a fundus score in tuberous sclerosis. Brain Dev 1986;8:509–...
1:30 POSTNATAL CHANGES I N OXYGEN TRANSPORT: RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CARDIAC , ,OUTPUT (CO) 02 CONSUMPTION (VO ) and 0 CARRY lNG CAPAC ITY (CAP). George L is t e r , 2Thomas K. Wal t a r , Abraham M. Ru olph, an8 Peter R. Dal lman. o f Ped. , San Francisco. (221 ) ...
30. Marfella R, Cacciapuoti F, Siniscalchi M, et al. Effect of moderate red wine intake on cardiac prognosis after recent acute myocardial infarction of subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus.Diabet Med.2006;23(9):974-981. 31. Sacanella E, Vazquez-Agell M, Mena MP, et al. Down-...
Cardiac evaluation may be necessary, especially in the older patient, and may require an echocardiogram, electrocardiogram, Holter monitor, or myocardial perfusion studies (31). The need for evaluation should not postpone therapy of the thyrotoxicosis. In addition to the administration of β-blockers...