American Heart Association (AHA) Scientific Sessions 2020 (3645), organized by AHA - American Heart Association. Find conference details | Conference Locate (Clocate)
American Heart Association; American College of Cardiology. Influenza vaccination as secondary prevention for cardiovascular disease: a science advisory from the American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology. Circulation. 2006;114:1549-53. PMID:16982936, 10.1161/CIRCULATION...
Obesity-Related Heart Disease Deaths Rose Roughly 180% Since 1999 ByPatrick Campbell November 17th 2024 Obesity-related ischemic heart disease deaths rose from 1999 to 2020, particularly in middle-aged men and Black adults, per CDC WONDER data. ...
2020 年指南对有关成人基础生命支持 (BLS) 和高级心血管生命支持 (ACLS) 主要新变化包括: 1.强化流程图和视觉辅助工具,为 BLS 和 ACLS 复苏场景提供易于记忆的指导。 2.再次强调非专业施救者尽早启动 CPR 的重要性。 3.再次确认先前有关肾上腺素给药的建议,重点突出早期肾上腺素给药。 4.建议利用实时视听反馈...
Obesity-Related Heart Disease Deaths Rose Roughly 180% Since 1999 ByPatrick Campbell November 17th 2024 Obesity-related ischemic heart disease deaths rose from 1999 to 2020, particularly in middle-aged men and Black adults, per CDC WONDER data. ...
美国心脏协会 (American Heart Association,简称AHA)是全球心脑血管急救与复苏技术的标准制定和培训权威机构,长期致力于研究和提供高质量、高效率的心肺复苏与危重症抢救技术培训课程,其视频同步教学与模拟情景实训的培训模式深受医护人员的欢迎。云南博亚医院《美国心脏协会(AHA)基础生命支持(BLS)与高级生命支持(ACLS)...
Berg, MD, Vice ChairOn behalf of the Adult Basic and Advanced Life Support Writing Group© 2020 American Heart Association, Inc.Part 3: Adult Basic and Advanced Life Support2020 American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular CareCirculationhttps://...
We are an AHA (American Heart Association) Authorized Training Site offering certification classes in CPR, BLS, EKG & Pharmacology, 12 Lead, ACLS, PALS, Ventilator, Tracheostomy, NRP, STABLE, MAB, EKG Monitor Technician National Certification, IV Therapy
Association of intensive lifestyle intervention, fitness, and body mass index with risk of heart failure in overweight or obese adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus: an analysis from the Look AHEAD Trial. Circulation. 2020;141(16):1295-1306. doi:10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.119.044865 PubMed...
今天小佩给大家安利的期刊是《Journal of the American Heart Association》,该期刊受众是对心血管和脑血管疾病,血管和血管内医学,小儿心脏病学和神经病学感兴趣并参与其中的医疗保健专业人员。 ISSN:2047-9980 01 影响因子 从2016年开始,该期刊的影响因子一直保持稳定水平,2021-2022年度突破6.106分。