the healthcare system employs the equivalent of 770 full-time people to settle the bills.That's almost eight times more than other industries.And doctors have to spend inordinate time deapng with red tape.Of course,if the U.S.were to magically switch to a single-payer healthcare system,...
In military might and defence spending the U.S. is undisputedly number one. But in other areas, more important aspects of human wellbeing such aseducation,life expectancy,happiness,genderandincomeequality andhealthcare, there are more mixed results. The U.S. healthcare system in particular is ...
the road to hell is often paved with good intentions. There is no way around the fact that adding an additional 50 million people to the health care system will decrease the level of service being offered.
The Canadian Healthcare System Amidst globalization and americanization, it is sometimes hard to define what being Canadian is. No value is as distinctly Canadian as that of universal health care, as it is the only country in the world that offers it. Perhaps this is why the debate over the...
Science based analysis of the North American health care system Menu and widgets Search for: Recent Posts Sometimes I Hate Being Right. Election 2020 Was “Big Pharma Vs. Trump.” And Big Pharma Won… Kent Heckenlively’s New Book “Presidential Takedown” ...
The New York Times reported that Mattis “argued that the United States was not keeping pace with the ambitious plans of China and other countries” (Metz 2018). Indeed, the DoD Strategy stated that “our adversaries and competitors are aggressively working to define the future of these ...
As with the Institutes of Social Security, these entities work independently from each other. Private healthcare systems are divided into private healthcare insurance and out-of-pocket payments [9]. The healthcare system in Mexico is a complicated system with multiple sectors, contributors, buyers,...
However, AmE has made certain words in this fashion which are still treated as phrases in most Commonwealth countries. For example, Americans write trademark, but some other countries write trade-mark or trade mark. In compound nouns of the form <verb><noun>, sometimes AmE favours the bare...
He told Portuguese MPs: “A referendum in Portugal would jeopardise, without any reason to do so, the full legitimacy of the ratification by national parliaments that is taking place in all the other European countries.” This weak-minded individual has lately been weaned off that particular dru...
Will France impose new Covid restrictions?What’s next is difficult to predict. Historically, most countries impose COVID-19 restrictions when strains on the health care system might become unsustainable. How has the Coronavirus impacted Paris, France?