The U.S. healthcare system in particular is a continuing source of bafflement for many, who are accustomed to a degree of protection against the double disaster of poor health followed by financial ruin. While American hospitals and medical facilities are world class, they are also incredibly ex...
This chapter discusses health systems in four American countries (Brazil, Cuba, Chile, Mexico). It provides an overview of socioeconomics and national health, healthcare system, health insurance system, and health system reforms. The healthcare delivery system in Brazil is composed of two major ...
【Keywords】America,health-caresystem,situation,problems 美国医疗保健制度改革的历程和现状美国医疗保健体系从私人商业保险起步,逐步形成以私人保险性质的雇主资助保险(Employer- sponsoredhealthinsurance)为主体,社会保险性质的公共健康保险(Publichealthcarecoverage)作为补充的体系。 1医疗保健体系改革的历程美国医疗改革的...
Whether a healthcare organization is looking for protection for their systems, property or people, our specialized solutions can help. Learn more about our healthcare industry insurance options.
If national health insurance would not cure the problems of the American healthcare system, what, then, is responsible for them Suspicion falls heavily on hospitals, which make up the largest component of the system. In 1988 hospitals accounted for 39% of all health expenditures-more than ...
be allowed to gather themselves into an insurance pool separate from the people who feel this expenditure is appropriate. You should have this choice. You could put more of the fruits of your labor into an inefficient and expensive healthcare system, or you could take it home to your family...
time creating a system oriented to excesses and unnecessary outlays for health care. It’s time for a return to common sense and medicine delivered in a true physician-patient setting. Our primary care doctors don’t have the time needed to be at their effective best and we need to fix ...
摘要: Undermining the Healthcare Insurance System in the United States : President Obama's Effort to Overhaul the U.S. Healthcare System (American Economy after the Financial Crisis) Hasegawa Chiharu Rikkyo American studies 34, 127-140, 2012...
文档标签: The American health care system 系统标签: health care american insurance medical united TheAmerican healthcaresystem SomeIntroductionaboutthesystem •U.S.healthcaresystemisdividedinto bothprivateandpublicblocks,andmainly toprivate. •Themainsourceoffinancearefrom employers,accountingfor55%ofmed...