Custom handmade doll clothes: sweaters, pants, skirts, and accessories for Cabbage Patch Kids, American Girl Doll, Bitty Baby Doll, Hopscotch Hill, and Our Generation dolls and Handmade Halloween and Christmas decorations and ornaments.
People keep mistaking me for a dollwhen in fact I am a cyborg,surrounded by The Young & Restlesssnorting coke and drinking corpse reviversin the General Hospital—downward,I mean backward, glance of Orpheussoftening my every blow.My fantasy for this script is simple:I just want to edit out...
The later shot of her puffy, pink, tearstained face as she watches Ginsberg being rolled down a hospital hallway, strapped to a gurney, still wildly gesticulating and blabbing, gave us a glimpse of a former, more tender-hearted Peggy I have to admit I miss, though I well understand it...
Some of these people complain that they missed the boat to buy but then don’t end up buying in the market today. If you believe home prices will go up as a fundamental principle, it doesn’t matter if you bought today or 10 years ago. In reality...
hospital faith covered completely race products lack income glass extent effects distance designed built w visit there's principle married firm existence elements corps analysis ahead stress serve o none machine limited indicated importance expect arm sea scene role reach pretty played leaders follow ...