The Workforce Program has been a part of the American Geosciences Institute (AGI) since 1952 and it is the key source for information about the condition of the geoscience workforce and the preparation of future geoscientists. The main objectives of the Workforce Program are to inform the ...
The American Geological Institute Minority Participation Program (MPP): Thirty Years of Improving Access to Opportunities in the Geosciences Through Underg... Since 1971, the American Geological Institute (AGI) Minority Participation Program (MPP) has supported scholarships for underrepresented minorities in...
Public Policy & International Affair Program: PPIA Junior Summer Institute (JSI) Fellowship Program is a rigorous academic graduate level preparation program for undergraduate juniors committed to public service careers. Harvard Business School: The Harvard Business School (HBS) Summer Venture in Managemen...
(0567-5545) former title ABPGC2) publisher Geological Institute of the University of Abstracts of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science Abstracts of Bulgarian Scientific Literature, Geosciences (S) (0204- Abstracts Volume - International Symposium on the Geochemistry of 9406) publisher ...
Session: American Geosciences Institute (AGI) Geoscience Policy MeetingGsa Annual Meeting in Denver Anniversary of Gsa
An interview with Gabrielle Dreyfus, David Wunsch and Aisha Morris, former fellows at the American Geosciences Institute' (AGI) William L. Fisher Congressional Geoscience Fellowship is presented. They share their experiences and how it shaped their time understanding the role of geoscience in public ...
Session: American Geosciences Institute (AGI) Past Presidents Reception and DinnerGsa Annual Meeting in Denver Anniversary of Gsa
Session: American Geosciences Institute (AGI) Executive Committee MeetingGsa Annual Meeting in Denver Anniversary of Gsa
Session: American Geosciences Institute (AGI) and National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT) Meeting (2014 GSA Annual Meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia (1922 October 2014))
Session: American Geosciences Institute (AGI) and National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT) Meeting (2012 GSA Annual Meeting in Charlotte (47 November 2012))