The range of price swings of a security or market over time. W Welfare Benefit Plan An employee benefit plan that provides such benefits as medical, sickness, accident, disability, death, or unemployment benefits. Whole Life Insurance A type of life insurance that offers a death benefit and al...
The United States’ first long-distance rail line launched from Maryland in 1827. Baltimore’s city government and the state government of Maryland provided half the start-up funds for the new Baltimore & Ohio (B&O) Rail Road Company. The B&O’s founders imagined the line as a means to fun...
the time for breaks and lunch, how many hours the employee is to work, how much and what quality is involved in the production of the employee, how much the employee is to be paid, limitations and pay for overtime, vacation, paid time off, medical leave, medical benefits, retirement ben...
Self-Directed IRA A retirement account in which the individual investor is in charge of making all investment decisions. The self-directed IRA provides the investor with greater opportunity for asset diversification outside of the traditional stocks, bonds and mutual funds, such as real estate. In ...
the time for breaks and lunch, how many hours the employee is to work, how much and what quality is involved in the production of the employee, how much the employee is to be paid, limitations and pay for overtime, vacation, paid time off, medical leave, medical benefits, retirement ben...