It's easy to fall into a sense of creeping despair when staring interminably at the hospital ceiling. I must keep thinking of my saline drip bag as half full and not half empty otherwise I'll never get out of here. And eventually the doctor does appear, bathed in a shaft of light...
" asked Mr. Wednesday. He had finished his steak, devoured it like a starving man. Now he was munching the french fries, spearing them with his fork. "You're right," said Shadow. "I don't have a job." Shadow took a quarter from his pocket, tails up. He flicked it up in the ...
Experimental work carried out in France by the Laboratoire de Sciences Cognitives et Psycholinguistique, in cooperation with an Italian team from the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, has identified these very areas. The experimenters found that when subjects listened to a text in their mother-tongue...
hospital faith covered completely race products lack income glass extent effects distance designed built w visit there's principle married firm existence elements corps analysis ahead stress serve o none machine limited indicated importance expect arm sea scene role reach pretty played leaders follow ...
Experimental work carried out in France by the Laboratoire de Sciences Cognitives et Psycholinguistique, in cooperation with an Italian team from the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, has identified these very areas. The experimenters found that when subjects listened to a text in their mother-tongue...
Rescue crews pulled Robbie and Laura from the wreckage. They were both dead by the time they arrived at the hospital. Shadow folded the newspaper up once more and slid it back across the table, toward Wednesday, who was gorging himself on a steak so bloody and so blue it might never hav...