2) The Foreign Trade Policies of America 美国对外贸易政策 例句>> 3) US trade policy toward China 美国对华贸易政策 1. Therefore it is necessary for us to study the relationshipbetween US Congress andUS trade policy toward China. 随着中国加入WTO和中美贸易的不断扩大,美国对华贸易政策日渐受到我国...
5)American Foreign Trade Policy美国对外贸易政策进程 6)American foreign policy美国外交政策 1.Resources and Influence——An analysis of the political resources and the power of influence of the American ethnic groups in the making ofAmerican foreign policy;资源与影响力——美国族裔群体影响美国外交政策的...
Foreign Policy 美国对外政策话语 例句>> 5) American Foreign Trade Policy 美国对外贸易政策进程6) American foreign policy 美国外交政策 1. Resources and Influence——An analysis of the political resources and the power of influence of the American ethnic groups in the making of American foreign ...
In this paper the author explains very complex and developed process of trade policy creation in the United States. He describes the institutional model of trade policy creation, main organs and procedures, and the legal setting for that process. He also gives the basic principles in the ...
American historian Arthur Schlesinger Jr.' writes in the "Cycles of American History" that American foreign policy has been swinging between isolationism and internationalism (interventionism). 这可以用来描述二战前的美国外交政策。 This can be used to describe American foreign policy up to the Second ...
3. Policy prescription: what should now be done? Regarding, e.g., Al Qaeda, the spread of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), Iraq, North Korean nuclear weapons, China and Taiwan, Darfur, national ballistic missile defense, trade policy, global warming, emerging lethal diseases, and more....
Previous to America's move towards openness in the mid-1930s, policy was protectionist. From the end of the Civil War to 1934, policy reflected the belief that the U.S. could maintain an isolationist policy with respect to imports and still expand trade into foreign markets. The impact of...
Unit14Post-WWIIAmericanForeignPolicyTheBeginningoftheColdWar TheArmsRaceTheSovietUnionandtheUnitedStatesWhat’sthecoldwar?TheColdWar(approx.1945-1991)isacontinuingstateofpoliticalandmilitarytensionbetweenthepowersofthewesternworld,ledbytheUnitedStatesanditsNATOallies,andthecommunistworldledbytheSovietUnion,its...
One of the major foreign policy goals Clinton gained in his first administration was made in November 1993. Congress approved the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)(《北美自由贸易协定》).The agreement called for the elimination of most import taxes among the United States, Canada and Mex...
American foreign policy after Rexit 雷克斯·蒂勒森下台后的美国的外交政策走向何方 Rex Tillerson was a poor secretary of state. What follows may be worse 雷克斯·蒂勒森是一个糟糕的国务卿,下一位或许更差劲 EVEN by the reality-TV standards of this White House, the manner in which Rex Tillerson was...