美国运通百夫长黑金卡(American ExpressCenturion Card)是世界最负盛名、最顶级同时也是最神秘的卡片之一,已在美国、加拿大、墨西哥、欧洲、中国、韩国、日本、澳大利亚和中东等31个国家及地区发行。拥有这张“卡中之王”的持卡者,可享有顶级尊荣、定制专属服务与无与伦比的全球权益,包括全天“有求必应”的礼宾服务...
The Centurion® Lounge ‡ Disfruta acceso ilimitado a The Centurion Lounge, con una fresca seleccion de platos de temporada creadas por chefs de renombre local, cócteles exclusivos, áreas de trabajo diseñadas pensando en ti y un equipo de profesionales dispuestos para ayudarte con los deta...
【黑卡American Express Centurion Card】 c +关注 三三三雾 9月16日 17:35来自微博国际版 今天和A君闲聊时get了一个没什么卵用的知识:影视、动漫、小说里的黑卡功能完全没有夸张——只要持有它,运通公司连天上的星星都能给你薅下来。但这仅限于国外,国内版黑卡的价值大大缩水,不仅设限额(1000w),福利和特权...
在这个世界上,有一张无所不能的银行卡,据说只要拥有了它,那么在法律允许的范围内你就能做任何你想做的事。没错,它就是让我们一般人望尘莫及的「黑卡」(官方称为「Centurion card」)。 官网上都难见踪影的百夫长黑卡 而正是由于「黑卡」在世界范围内有着如此响亮的名气,使得它的发行者美国运通公司(American Ex...
American Express opened its latest Centurion Lounge, this time at Denver International Airport. Here’s what you can expect.
James Bond travels in style with an American Express Centurion Card (also known as the Black Card) in Quantum of Solace (2008). Bond wants to charter an Ocean Sky airplane to leave Austria and go to La Paz, Bolivia after his adventures at the Tosca Opera in Bregenz. The lady behind the...
Only cardholders of a few select American Express cards have access to the Centurion Lounge. If you hold the American Express Platinum (in either personal, business or corporate versions), or the Centurion Card, you will have unlimited visits whenever flying on an eligible itinerary. If you hav...
The Platinum Card will also get you direct entry into the high-endAmerican Express Centurion lounges(mainly in the US plus Hong Kong/Sydney/Melbourne/London Heathrow T3/Stockholm). American Express lounge network worldwide You can also get access toPlaza Premium loungesworldwide (with 1 guest ...
2 entries per year to the The Centurion®Lounge and Qantas Club Lounge Browse All Cards (15) The American Express®Platinum Card The American Express Explorer®Credit Card The American Express®Platinum Edge Credit Card The American Express Essential®Rewards Credit Card ...