1.William Seward 威廉·西沃德 William Henry Seward, Sr. (May 16, 1801 – October 10, 1872) was the 12th Governor of New York, United States Senator and the United States Secretary of State under Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson. An outspoken opponent of the spread of slavery in the year...
Daniel Boone: famed hunter, explorer & pioneer Nez Perce & Flathead Indians, Missionary Dr. Marcus & Narcissa Whitman, & the Oregon Trail 10th President John Tyler "If any people ever had cause to render up thanks to the Supreme Being ... we certainly are that people." Tocqueville: on ...
explorer exploratory exploits explicable explanatory experimenters experiential expectancy exodus excommunicated exclaiming excitatory excitability excise excelsior exaggerating evolutionary everyone's everybody's evenly evelyn ethyl ethos ethic ethan eta estimation estella establishes esp esoteric escapes erroneous ...