Critics Consensus: An engrossing and energetic portrait of a great musician's achievements and foibles, Ray is anchored by Jamie Foxx's stunning performance as Ray Charles. Synopsis: Legendary soul musician Ray Charles is portrayed by Jamie Foxx in this Oscar-winning biopic. Young Ray watches hi...
James Cooke(詹姆斯·库克), the British explorer, arrived in Hawaii in 1778, there were about 300,000 Hawaiians on the islands; however, infectious diseases reduced the native population. Today, about 20 percent of Hawaii’s people are of native Hawaiian ancestry, and only about 10,000 are ...
The phrase "Cross of Gold" is a famous quote from Bryan's speech, where he passionately argued against the Gold Standard and called for the use of silver as a monetary standard. Rate this question: 13. This 20th-century explorer is known for flying over the North Pole. A. Richard ...
explorer exploratory exploits explicable explanatory experimenters experiential expectancy exodus excommunicated exclaiming excitatory excitability excise excelsior exaggerating evolutionary everyone's everybody's evenly evelyn ethyl ethos ethic ethan eta estimation estella establishes esp esoteric escapes erroneous ...