American Eagle Outfitters 品牌的历史可追溯至1977。 一直以来,我们都在竭尽所能为您提供品质的服饰。AEO的品牌名称就是的象征,而仿冒商品不但会欺骗消费者,更会剥夺他们享受产品的权利。由于仿冒商品无法执行我们严格的检查和测试流程,因此不符合我们的高标准要求。在American Eagle Outfitters,我们认识到仿冒是严重的性...
When American Eagle Outfitters was launched in 1977, it was part of Silvermans Menswear, Inc., a retailing company whose flagship was the Silvermans chain, which sold young men's apparel and accessories and was founded in McKees Rocks, Pennsylvania (near Pittsburgh), in 1904. The Silverman f...
美鹰傲飞AEO (American Eagle Outfitters) 成立于1977年,总部在美国匹兹堡,设计团队位于纽约市,美鹰傲飞AEO (American Eagle Outfitters) 目前已成为美国人气牛仔品牌,致力于为15至25岁的顾客提供休闲牛仔和潮流服饰。自成立以来,美鹰傲飞AEO (American Eagle Outfitters) 一直坚持为消费者提供舒适、时尚、高质量并适合各种...
1. American Eagle Outfitters(AEO),简称American Eagle,是一个起源于1977年的美国服装品牌,以休闲风格的服饰和牛仔布料而闻名。2. 该品牌定位为中等价位,主要服务于15至25岁的年轻消费者,提供适合各种场合的时尚和高质量的休闲服饰。3. American Eagle的牛仔裤因其良好的贴合度和舒适性而受到欢迎,...
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Brothers Jerry and Mark Silverman founded American Eagle Outfitters in 1977. The first American Eagle Outfitters store opened that year in Novi, Michigan, originally conceived as a retail store specializing in high-end outdoor clothing and accessories. The Silverman brothers sold their shares in the...
American eagle- a large eagle of North America that has a white head and dark wings and body bald eagle,Haliaeetus leucocephalus bird of Jove,eagle- any of various large keen-sighted diurnal birds of prey noted for their broad wings and strong soaring flight ...
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