American Eagle SSB CBers Club is a group of Citizend Band Radio (CB Radio) operators across the globe who enjoy partaking in Transcontinental Ionospheric Radio Wave Propagation (also known as DX, DXing, and Shooting Skip".
Merrell L Carpenter, Joplin MO and New Orleans LA. 1930 = 1pOB with a 45hp engine, described in Joplin Globe as a "1930 Carpenter with a General Engineering motor," registered in 1934 by Bayard Arnold Carpenter, New Orleans. POP: 1 [888Y] c/n BAC-3. Special 1931 = 2pOB; 40hp ...
1909: (Arthur Erritt) Holbrook Helicopter Aeroplane Co (pres: L B Durnil), Joplin MO (1910) and Monett MO (1911). 1911: Holbrook Motor Co, Joplin. Holbrook Two-view patent drawing (Aeroflles) 1910 = Curious early usage of "helicopter aeroplane." A stock certificate dated 5/15/11 ...