Fugitive, for eight woman-only performers in checkered dresses with bell flairs and, along with a Wizard-of-Oz-Munchkin esthetic, something of the chaotic Shadoks cartoon to them – troubling, droll, grotesque and erotic. Fugitive, a performance that is almost a dance, borrows heavily from ...
Buttons on Native American dresses, shirts. leggings and moccasins were originally of bone, shell, stone and other natural materials. In the mid 1800’s, a few Navajo began to learn the art of silversmithing from Mexican plateros. To learn more on that, read my article Where did Navajo si...
She is two and she is already developing her own sense of fashion! Right now she is on a “princess” trend so she is all about dresses and hair bows. When I made this Bunny hair bow for her she was super excited and wore it to the Easter party she was invited to last weekend!
As for clothing, I don’t really mind if they bring any or not, my Native is a wanderer and dresses in typical western/worker clothing you’d see on ranchers and whatnot. Daleificent Members Joined: 03/09/2019 Calm down, it's just me. PostedOctober 4, 2019 I wouldn't worry too ...
<<<This terrific poem brought back a vivid memory from my own elementary school years. In 4th grade (or thereabouts) we were taught to make candles by dipping our wicks (ok, there's a vulgar image for you) into a big vat of melted wax. We'd file into the school kitchen, dip, and...
Fugitive, for eight woman-only performers in checkered dresses with bell flairs and, along with a Wizard-of-Oz-Munchkin esthetic, something of the chaotic Shadoks cartoon to them – troubling, droll, grotesque and erotic. Fugitive, a performance that is almost a dance, borrows heavily from ...
They put them in the back of wagons or made them walk behind their horse all the way to the boarding school, leaving their mothers wringing the hems of their dresses in grief. My Elder teacher told me this: Grandma used to say that after they rounded up Momma and the other kids and ...