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We propose that scholars and practitioners can gain a better understanding of multinational reactions to drug and alcohol testing by considering not only cultural but also historical, social, political, and other environmental factors that can shape reactions to personnel practices....
The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Alcohol use and alcohol-related consequences: associations with emotion regulation difficulties Alcohol use and alcohol-related consequences: associations with emotion regulation difficultiesDvorak, Robert D...
《美国药物和酒精滥用杂志》(American Journal Of Drug And Alcohol Abuse)是一本以SUBSTANCE ABUSE综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由Informa Healthcare出版商创刊于1974年,刊期6 issues/year。该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE、SSCI收录。期刊聚焦SUBSTANCE ABUSE领域的重点研究和前沿进展,及时刊载和报道该领域的研究...
Drug and Alcohol Testing Services and Kits: Employment drug testing and pre employment drug screening. Alcohol test kits. Saliva drug tests. Urine drug screen. Employee and DOT drug testing. THC Marijuana drug testing. 24/7/365 reasonable suspicion, post
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSE简介 Magazine introduction 英文简介 The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse is an international journal published six times per year and provides an important and stimulating venue for the exchange of ideas between the researchers working in diverse ...
The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse是一本专注于药物和酒精滥用领域的学术期刊,该期刊是由Taylor & Francis出版,每年共出版6期,以下是关于该期刊的具体内容介绍。 1、期刊简介 The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse的ISSN号是0095-2990,期刊的主编是科罗拉多大学医学院的Bryon Adinoff教授。
Religion, Family, and Adolescent Drug Use Using a national sample of over 17,000 high school seniors, we examined the effect of education of parents, employment status of mother, number of parents in household, religiosity, religious affiliation, gender, and race on alcohol and ... ASJ Bahr ...
基本信息 期刊名称AMERICAN JOURNAL OF DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSE AM J DRUG ALCOHOL AB 期刊ISSN0095-2990 期刊官方网站 是否OA否 出版商Informa Healthcare 出版周期 文章处理费登录后查看 始发年份 年文章数76 ...
This web tool allows brokers to monitor the drug and alcohol testing compliance status on sub-haulers and their drivers. If a sub-hauler or driver falls out of compliance, an email will be sent to you instantly, notifying you of a program status change. ...