HistoricalBackground AreexaminationoflifebeganTheworthoftheAmericandream,theidealized,romanticviewofmanandhislifeintheNewWorldbegantoloseitsholdonthepeople.Beneaththeglitteringsurfaceofprosperitytherelaysufferingandunhappiness.Disillusionmentandfrustrationwerewidelyfelt.Realism Definition ...
4. In thethesis, Gatsby and his American Dream should be analyzed from different points of view.Theanalysisof Gatsby's dream is the main part of the novel andexamplesshould be given to identify your point.It is better toassociatethe novel with the historicalbackground.Finally, his influence ...
AmericanRealism(1860-1914) I.TheDefinitionof Realism&Historical Background II.AmericanRealism III.MarkTwain IV.TheAdventuresof HuckleberryFinn(1884) 1 Romanticism Imagination fictional Realism Reality true v.s 2 3 Realism •Inliterature,faithfulrepresentationoflife.Realism carriestheconvictionoftruereports...
1.2 Introduction to the History of American Dream American dream could be ensued from its particular historical background. In 1607, the persecuted puritans initially set up the first colony in the new continent of North America, and some European countries consecutively settled up their own ...
In order to get a better understanding of the perception of the American Dream, the author illuminates some fundamental concepts concerning the American Way of Life and the country's historical background.KellerJürg PKeller, Jürg P.. The American Dream Gone Astray: Critical Realism in American ...
2.2The essence of the American Dreamand its Historical Background………4 3. The American Dream Reflected inGatsby………5 3.1 Gatsby’s Pursuit of Fortune Dream………5 3.2 Gatsby’s Pursuit of Love Dream………6 4. Disillusion of Gatsby’s American Dream………7 4.1Gatsby’s American Dream ...
5、e American Dream and its Development32.2The essence of the American Dream and its Historical Background43. The American Dream Reflected in Gatsby53.1 Gatsbys Pursuit of Fortune Dream53.2 Gatsbys Pursuit of Love Dream64. Disillusion of Gatsbys American Dream74.1 Gatsbys American Dream and His ...
aThe American Dream has its historical origin, refer to a belief that people of the United States can get a better life through persistent efforts and sincere devotion. However, the First World War had broken out, which lead to a collapse of the old values in society and to disillusion of...
内容文稿美国文学american realism.pptx,★American Realism (1865-1914);Social conflicts;Historical background;3. The frontier was closing. The worth of the American dream, the idealized and romantic view of man began to lose its hold. 4. By the 1870s, Am
so in the end the dream broke.d. others viewswe can also understand the novel, the great gatsby, from the perspectives of history background, historical documents. in understanding the great gatsby, (dalton gross an 31、d mary jean gross 2008) the authors study the novel from the ...