American Dragon: Jake Long (Also known as AD:JL) was an American animated television series, created by Jeff Goode and produced by Walt Disney Television Animation. The show previously aired on Disney Channel and Disney XD in the United States. In the Un
Set in New York City (specifically the borough of Manhattan), this animated series tells the story of thirteen-year-old Jake Long who must balance ordinary adolescent transformation with the amazing power and ability to change into the form of a dragon. When he eventually unlocks his full ...
American Dragon: Jake Long Top-rated Sat, Sep 1, 2007 S2.E31 The Hong Kong Longs Jake Long's family tours Hong Kong, actually for a special meeting of Dragons. Grandpa is abducted. In an effort to rescue him, Jake and his close friends use their extreme-sport skills but enter a trap...
作曲:Jake Dryzal 作词:Jake Dryzal i know about my grandpa who i never got to meet and i know how it used to be at honcho one of the males in my town and i know about the river that runs through infinitely and the whole twenty miles north where the ** runs deep brown infinitely ...
Jake and Gramps head to a Dragon Retreat, leaving Fu Dog, Trixie and Spud in charge of the electronics store. When mountain trolls start terrorising the area, it's up to them to put a stop it. 7.8/10(68) Contribute to this page ...