Epidemiology of diabetes and atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease among asian american adults: implications, management, and future directions: A Scientific Statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation Jul. 2023;4(1):74–94. https://doi.org/10.1161/CIR.0000000000001145. Article Google ...
Within this software, non-wear time was identified and excluded using the validated Choi algorithm, defined as 90 consecutive minutes of zero counts with a two-minute tolerance and a 30-min window to detect artificial movement [22]. Participants had valid data if they had at least four ...
Garber AJ, Abrahamson MJ, Barzilay JI, et al. American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists' comprehensive diabetes management algorithm 2013 consensus statement--executive summary. Endocr Pract. 2013;19(3):536-57.Garber AJ;Abrahamson MJ;Barzilay JI;.American association of clinical endocrinologists'...
Researchers sought to develop and assess performance of an algorithm to classify periods of sleep, activity (>2mph walking), and inactivity1using a novel ambulatory ECG (AECG) patch (Zio®monitor) with embedded accelerometry. A prospective clinical study enrolled participants across four American Ac...
Medical Management of Hyperglycemia in Type 2 Diabetes: A Consensus Algorithm for the Initiation and Adjustment of Therapy A consensus statement of the Ame... Medical Management of Hyperglycemia in Type 2 Diabetes: A Consensus Algorithm for the Initiation and Adjustment of Therapy A consensus statemen...
associated with decreasing cognitive performance, but this association was attenuated after controlling for Med Diet adherence. In sum, an 8-month Med Diet lifestyle intervention with or without IWL did not appreciably alter the gut microbiome....
This position statement outlines new terminology and blueprint for a chronic care model with an advanced diagnostic framework for the comprehensive management of obesity. READ MORE 2016 Clinical Practice Guideline and Algorithm for Medical Care of Patients with Obesity ...
The elastic net algorithm is controlled by parameter α, the parameter α was trained in 0.1 increments from 0 (Ridge regression) to 1 (Lasso regression). To train the method, a leave-group-out cross-validation approach was performed with 10 subsets of the training data in the discovery ...
Health, Sexual Functioning, and Psychological Well-BeingAdvances in Traditional and eHealth Research on Non-communicable DiseasesAdvances, Caveats And Conundrums in DiabetesAdvancing Quality of Life Research in Cancer Survivors: Methodologies, Instruments, and Practical ApplicationsAdversarial Learning and Its ...
New Diabetes Algorithm.Join endocrine experts Irl Hirsch, MD, and moderator Rifka C. Schulman-Rosenbaum, MD, FACE, FACP, on May 5th at 8:30 AM PT to get the first look at our new Diabetes Algorithm during the presentation: The Past, Present, and Future of Insulin Therapy (And Related ...