美国风俗文化(American customs and culture) Visitors from countries that value class status may feel that the United States does not particularly respect dignitaries. Americans bow to people, not because of each other's status and special hospitality, will bow a few more. At home or on a bus,...
unit 13,14 American culture and customs AmericanCultureandCustoms •SportsinAmerica•AmericanValues SportsinAmerica •SportsandAmericanValues•1)Sportsareseenasaninspiringexampleofequalityofopportunityinaction.Insports,peopleofdifferentracesandeconomicbackgroundsgetanequalchancetoexcel.•2)Theideaofcompetition...
美国风俗文化(Americancustomsandculture) Visitorsfromcountriesthatvalueclassstatusmayfeelthat theUnitedStatesdoesnotparticularlyrespectdignitaries. Americansbowtopeople,notbecauseofeachother'sstatusand specialhospitality,willbowafewmore.Athomeoronabus, Americansdon'tusuallyaskVIPstositinaspecificseat. ...
美国风俗文化(American customs and culture) Visitors from countries that value class status may feel that the United States does not particularly respect dignitaries. Americans bow to people, not because of each others status and special hospitality, will bow a few more. At home or on a bus, ...
The Northeast, South, Midwest, Southeast and Western regions of the United States all have distinct traditions and customs. Here is a brief overview of the culture of the United States. Language According to the US Government, there is no official language of the United States (Image credit: ...
America has thelargest economy in the world, built off the principles of capitalism. As a result, culture in the USA often places a strong importance on materialism. Competition and capital accumulation encourage businesses to maximize efficiency, allowing investors to profit from growth while customer...
AMERICAN CULTURE AND CUSTOMS 1America: Land of Opportunity 2The Fourth of July 3The U.S. Federal Government 4Christmas - A Holiday of Traditions 5New Year's Day - A Holiday of New Beginnings 6Martin Luther King Jr. Day - To Remember a Civil Rights Leader 7Valentine's Day - A Holiday...
American Culture美国文化 AmericanCulture:TraditionsandCustomsoftheUnitedStates AmericanCulture Beingontimeisimportant.Americanslikeprivacyandpersonalspace.Americanscanbeverydirectandhonest,eventhoughitmayseemrudetopeoplefromanotherculture.Americansaskabouthowyourdayisgoingwithoutexpectingananswer.Americanswaittheirturnin...
If you go to the USA. this passage tells you something about American customs and culture. In many countries,when people give their names,they give their last names or family names. But in the United States,people usually use their first names? some people even take on “nicknames”. On ...
An American may feel threatene d (威胁) if you come too close, even if such a distance is perfectly ordinary in your own culture. Touching is not recommended, but making full,direct eye contact at the first meeting stage is important.Americans ten d to warm up to people who smile,...