Crayfish Female crayfish aren't that maternal; they have to secrete a form of pheromone, referred to as maternal pheromones, that encourages them to take care of their offspring and prevents them from eating their young. Cricket Male crickets can produce sounds by rubbing their wings together Cro...
2.7B). They did, however, describe Scolithus [sic] tuberosus and interpreted it as a burrow by analogy with burrows of crayfish seen in local streams, and not a plant. Miller (1880) perhaps stands out as his most significant contribution to the science of ichnology, as it was the first...
and arrows, and spears. Botanical poisons were administered in ponds and sluggish or dammed streams, creating a rich harvest of stunned, but edible, fish. Coastal groups gatheredoysters,clams,mussels,cockles, and crabs, while those residing in the interior collected freshwater mussels andcrayfish. ...