Spielman. Uncertain Uncertainty: Spatial Variation in the Quality of American Community Survey Estimates. Working Paper Number 01. ASU GeoDa Center for Geospatial Analysis and Computation. Available at: https://geodacenter.asu.edu/drupal_files/2014-01.pdf Accessed 10 June 2014....
and housing characteristics. The ArcGIS Living Atlas Policy Mapping team updatesthis collection of free layersthat contain the latest 5-year estimates of ACS data. In addition to the layers, there are over 200 maps and apps that have been created highlighting the current-year data. The growing ...
.. microdata data for custom estimates and individual modeling •2019 ACS 1-year supplemental estimates.. October 15, 2020 .. selected 1 year estimates for areas 20,000 population and over •2019 ACS 5-year estimates.. December 10, 2020 .. estimates for all areas down toblock grouplevel...
The American Community Survey uses official Census Bureau estimates from the Population Estimates Program (PEP) as survey controls to align ACS estimates for data that are also part of the PEP. Due to challenges that the Census Bureau has faced in recent years, the release of the intercensal ...
The American Community Survey (ACS) is an indispensable tool for studying the United States (US) population. Each year the US Census Bureau (BOC) publishes approximately 11 billion ACS estimates, each of which is accompanied by a margin of error (MOE) specific to that estimate. Researchers, ...
AnnualandMulti-YearEstimates t=DatareflectAmericanCommunitySurveytestingthrough2004 By2010,long-formdatawillbeavailableannuallydowntotheCensusBlockGroup. ACSContent Similartothelong-form,ACSwillprovideinformationon: Families,children,theelderly Income,poverty ...
American Community Survey Dashboard, 5-Year Data The U.S. Census Bureau produces estimates for a single year (1-Year) and a five-year average (5-Year). Some geographies may not have 1-Year estimates due to their small population size....
Religiosity as a protective or prognostic factor of depression in later life; results from a community survey in The Netherlands This study examines the impact of religiosity on the incidence and course of depressive syndromes in a community-based sample of elderly people in The Neth... AW ...
Education and Synthetic Work-Life Earnings Estimates. American Community Survey Reports. ACS-14. The relationship between education and earnings is a long-analyzed topic of study. Generally, there is a strong belief that achievement of higher levels of... Julian, Tiffany|Kominski, Robert - 《Us...
For large counties that comprise multiple Public Use Microdata Areas (PUMAs) – areas with at least 100,000 people – PUMA -level estimates are derived using controls by age/sex, race, and Hispanic origin that are determined at the county level but that are used uniformly across all PUMAs ...