Youth who demonstrated the capacity to give informed consent met in groups of 10 to 15 youth to complete the survey. The RA read all survey questions and responses aloud, and youth circled their responses. The survey took approximately 40 min to complete. Youth received a $15 gift certifica...
The report was the first to reach out to the Asian American community in the area using a multilingual questionnaire, reaching 199 respondents from various parts of Boston, Malden, Quincy, Everett and Cambridge. Anti-Asian racism is deeply rooted in American society, dating back to before the o...
These include the Transition Readiness Assessment Questionnaire (TRAQ) 5.0, validated in Argentina (includes 20 items in 5 sub-scales: medication, appointment attendance, monitoring of health problems, communication with healthcare professionals and coping with activities of daily living). This is a ...
Census 2019 American Community Survey data. The sample drawn for this study reflects fixed sample targets on demographics. Post-hoc weights were made to the population characteristics on gender, age, race/ethnicity, region, and education for the national sample. Statistical margins of error are not...
The demographics questions, in an online questionnaire, asked participants their age, student status, which college/university they attend(ed), highest level of education, number of times they had studied abroad, study abroad location, study abroad timeline, living situation abroad, gender identity, ...
Main Outcomes and Measures Main outcome measures included self-reported depression (measured using the Patient Health Questionnaire), anxiety (measured using the Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item scale), past year alcohol and cannabis use, body mass index, systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic...
Functional social support was assessed using the mean response to 5 questions in the Duke–University of North Carolina Functional Social Support Questionnaire–5 (DUFSS-5),29 with possible scores ranging from 1 to 15 (higher scores indicate more support). Emotional social support was...
use patterns were assessed by the World Health Organization Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (WHO ASSIST) [78]. Using established thresholds, symptoms of depression were assessed with the Patient Health Questionnaire depression module (PHQ- 9) and coded as likely depression (...
A survey of beliefs about the paranormal was completed by 267 university students. Protestants were more likely to believe in the Devil, possession by the Devil, and witches, but less likely to believe in reincarnation or haunted houses. Catholics were more likely to believe in astrology. Student...
Adapted Dietary Screener Questionnaire ASA-24: Automated Self-Administered 24-Hour Dietary Assessment Tool NHANES: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey CHW: Chinese American Adult (CHA), community health worker NCI: National Cancer Institute HEI: Health Eating Index FFQ: Food frequen...