美国是一个普通法(common law)国家。不同于世界上绝大多数的国家,作为联邦制国家,美国的法院采用双重二元制系统(double dual system),有两个主要的法院系统:联邦法院系统(a federal court system)和州法院系统(a state court system)。 ...
The Amercian legal system is acommon law system, where cases are settled based on tradition,common practiceand interpretation of statutes. 美国的法律体系是普通法体系,在这种体系下,案件的裁决所依据的是传统、惯例和对成文法的解释。 Common law system 普通法律体系 Common practice惯例 As we have alread...
网络英美法系 网络释义 1. 英美法系 英美法系(Anglo American Law System),也称英吉利法系(English Law System)、普通法法系(Common Law System)… baike.baidu.com|基于9个网页 释义: 全部,英美法系
1.common law system 普通法体系。普通法体系是以英国中世纪至资本主义时期的法特别是普通法为基础和传统而发展起来的各国和地区法的总称,故称为普通法体系、英国法体系,亦称英美法体系,由于它以判例法为法的主要表现形式,故称为判例法体系。普通法体系的渊源主要有三个:其一是普通法。普通法是普通法法系的一个主...
law libr.jCohen, M.L. (1989) The Common Law in the American Legal System: The Challenge of Conceptual Research. Law Library Journal, 81, 13-32.COHEN M. The Common Law in the American Legal System: The challenge of Conceptual Research. Yale Law Library Journal 1989;13....
This 2004 book is a comparative study of the American legal development in the mid-nineteenth century. Focusing on Illinois and Virginia, supported by observations from six additional states, the book traces the crucial formative moment in the development of an American system of common law in nor...
1. Common Law as Differentiated from Civil Law The American system is a “common law” system, which relies heavily on court precedent in formal adjudications. In our common law system, even when a statute is at issue, judicial determinations in earlier court cases are extremely critical to ...
1. In American justice system,friends of the court,the jury and the common law system have taken public opinions into the judgment. 在美国司法体制中,法庭之友制度、陪审团制度和法官的自由裁量权的三维组合使得民意能够充分地引入司法过程中,与司法达成一个和谐的状态。
3) common law system 英美法系 1. The "weak protection" in common law system might be discarded while the incentive of moral right in property should be heeded to. 应当摒弃英美法系版权法之"弱保护"模式,重视精神权利在财产方面的激励作用;还应当纠正大陆法系将精神权利作为纯粹人格权之立法模式,挖掘...