⑤Since the war, however, the same basic question of states'rights has continued to trouble American society.Read the passage then translate the underlined sentences.1. The American Civil War was a war lasting from 1861 to 1865 between the Northern states and the Southern states of the United...
American Civil War美国内战英文简介 AmericanCivilWar CausesOfTheAmericanCivilWar TheSouth,whichwasknownastheConfederateStatesofAmerica,secededfromtheNorth,whichwasalsoknownastheUnion,formanydifferentreasons.Thereasontheywantedtosucceedwasbecausetherewasfourdecadesofgreatsectionalconflictbetweenthetwo.BetweentheNorthand...
American Civil War 美国南北战争 The American Civil War was a war lasting from 1861 to 1865 between the Northern states and the Southern states of the United States of America. The main issue contributing to the outbreak of war was states fights: whether or not individual state governments had...
In the American War some of the most advanced Liberals took sides with the planters on the score that the blacks were an inferior race to the whites, and that might was the right of the white race." View in context Civil War was incidentally one event which shaped the contours of America...
The American Civil War was a four-year armed(1)between northern and southern sections of the United States. The fighting began on April 12, 1861, and(2)until May 1865. For a long time(3)the Civil War, the North and South had(4)each other on many issues. Most people in the(5)want...
The American Civil War, widely known in the United States as simply the Civil War, was a war fought from 1861 to 1865 to determine the survival of the Union or the independence of the Confederacy.
The American Civil War美国内战 TheAmericanCivilWar • TheCivilWaristhecentraleventinAmerica'shistoricalconsciousness.•TheRevolutionof1776-1783createdtheUnitedStates.•TheCivilWarof1861-1865determinedwhatkindofnationitwouldbe•WhiletheCivilWarwasdevastatingfortheUnitedStatesintermsofhumanlossoflife,itwas...
American Civil War History Channel Documentary DVD More History Channel DVD Documentaries History Channel Presents The Civil War From Harper's Ferry, Fort Sumter, and First Bull Run to Shiloh,Antietam, and Gettysburg. The most legendary Civil War battles in brilliant detail. A selection of the sol...
which were the basis of the South's economy. Over the next four years, much of the South's economy, cities and countryside were destroyed, until finally the South surrendered to the North. Since the war, however, the same basic question of states' rights has continued to trouble American ...
What Caused The Civil War? The Origin And Object Of The Civil War What is War Good For? General Grant's Vicksburg Campaign Lee and the Drummer Boy The Interment of General Lee's Remains at Arlington NAACP and the Sesquicentinnel