A war for freedom. The American Civil War - OverSimplified (Part 1) The American Civil War - OverSimplified (Part 2) Political repressionThe policies started during the war facilitated the transfer of billions of dollars from the government to the wealthy elite. The presidential "war powers" ...
The state calls out the course for including"Black Study, Black Struggle,"a 2016 piece by UCLA history professor Robin D.G. Kelley, saying he "argues that activism, rather than the university system, is the catalyst for social transformation." Kelley called that description oversimplif...
OverSimplified (Part 1) }} {{YouTubeVideo |code=sV6uuMAnJUE |align=left |width= |caption= The American Civil War - OverSimplified (Part 2) }} ==Political repression== The policies started during the war facilitated the transfer of billions of dollars from the government to the wealthy ...