Battle of the civil war ironclads. Take part in battles from USS Monitor vs CSS Virginia before battles between armored squadrons of steamships and other vessels. The flow of time is organized into rounds.
此内容需要在 Steam 上拥有基础游戏 Victoria II: A House Divided 才能畅玩。 购买Victoria II: A House Divided - American Civil War Spritepack ¥ 12.00 添加至购物车 购买Victoria Collection 捆绑包 (?) 购买此捆绑包,所有 14 个项目立省 37%! 捆绑包信息 -37% 您的价格: ¥ 386.82 添加至购物...
游戏名称:战略司令部:美国内战 英文名称:Strategic Command: American Civil War 游戏类型:策略类(SLG...
American Civil War - Naval Battles, Blockades, Ironclads: In addition to their increasing use of steam power, the screw propeller, shell guns, and rifled ordnance, both sides built and employed ironclad warships. Besides fighting efficaciously with ironc
游戏名称:胜利与荣耀:美国内战 英文名称:Victory and Glory: The American Civil War 游戏类型:策略...
your crews and send your squadron into the high seas. Command a battle formation and experience the power of iron and steam in a turned-based maritime strategy mode while fighting battles with a tactical real time naval simulation game. Raise anchor and get Ironclads 2 American Civil War now!
Oliver Keppelmuller’s long awaited American Civil War project (the term ‘game’ just doesn’t do it justice) is now due for an August 21, 2020 early access release on Steam. However, some lucky folks (that would be me) have been playing the beta for at least a couple of weeks now...
《星球大战》 UPDATE: Collider has confirmed through their sources that the first Captain America: Civil War trailer will be in theaters with Star Wars: 分享20赞 克拉克盖博吧 饭焦儿 【盖迷情深】对不起,我觉得我不是一个称职的小吧好久没来了,前一阵子一直在忙另外一个明星的见面会,然后因为刚毕业...
American Civil War, four-year war (1861–65) fought between the United States and 11 Southern states that seceded to form the Confederate States of America. It arose out of disputes over slavery and states’ rights. When antislavery candidate Abraham Lin
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