In every church bell there is spiteIn every red ribbon there is fireIn every young woman shiveringIn every young man his own steed. [1936] March 20, 1938 Came to the window naked. In the house across the street someone must have taken an exception, the sailor’s widow, I think. A ...
Migrant Arrested on Suspicion of Attempted Murder After Trying to Push Young Woman Onto Train Tracks in ParisRemix The Sudanese national is in France illegally. IKEA Loses in Poland’s Supreme CourtOrdo Iuris Institute The company fired an employee who quoted the Bible when ordered to celebrate ...
The Catholic Church educates 2.6 million students every day, at a cost of $10 billion a year to parents and parishes. If there were no Catholic schools, these same students would have to be educated in public schools, which would cost $18 billion to American taxpayers. In secondary ...
Recital, Atelier Series at the American Church in ParisA recital presentation by Melissa Colgin-Abeln (flute), Maurizia Dalla Volta (flute, and Dominic Dousa (piano). An Invited Performance for the Atelier Recital Series.Dominic DousaAtelier Recital Series, the American Church in Paris...
Little Women in Dinan, France: American Girls Art Club in Paris, a photography tour of Dinan, France in the steps of Louisa May Alcott and her sister May Berthe Morisot’s Interior: American Girls Art Club in Paris, photos and discussion of Berthe Morisot’sJulie Playing a Violin(1893) ...
Baptist Street Church Bombing in Birmingham, Alabama, 1963. 1963 –A double bombing in Birmingham, Alabama, probably conducted by the Ku Klux Klan in cooperation with local police, precipitates rioting, police retaliation, the intervention of state troopers, and finally, the mobilization of federal ...
Around 1755, Abbé Charles-Michel de l'Épée took it upon himself toteach two deaf sistersin Paris with the hope of leading them to salvation through the Church. This was hardly the first attempt at providing deaf people with an education. As described inThe Deaf Community in America: Hist...
an American girl traveling to France to write a book on Paris (to which thedouaniersays, “another book about Paris? There are already enough books about Paris!”). She encounters a suave Frenchman named Jean who sweeps her off her feet, saying things like “How lucky I am to have met...
Paris: dressing like a man so she could have access to live models, dragging a sick lion into her studio in order to study animal anatomy. It might have been a bit of shock and awe, but it inspired May to go to France. (Lesson #6: Listen to the stories of those who’ve come ...