This 1919 Cadillac Type 57 is on display at the Jackson Barracks Museum in New Orleans, LA. Over 2,100 of the 2,500 built were sent to Europe. The vehicles were built specifically for officer use. This one was given to the Louisiana Army National Guard after World War One and was used...
Louis, MO for the manufacture of household stoves. Many readers are more likely to recognize the company's trade name of Magic Chef. In 1951, the company changed its name to Magic Chef for better customer recognition. In 1958, the company merged with Food Giants Markets of CA. This was ...
MI built 2,359 90mm anti-aircraft guns like this one. Three Fisher Body plants provided tooling to make parts and another three plants provided parts for the big guns. Chevrolet built 2,000 gun tubes, breech ring and
ThisconfirmedtheLyndsfamousstudiesofMiddletown (Muncie,Indiana),wheresomeuprightcitizensregarded thecarasahouseofprostitutiononwheels,andwhere thefamilycarwasthemostcherishedbelongingduring theGreatDepression.Sincethen,agrowingnumberof studies,largelyinfluencedbythepioneeringworkof WilliamF.Ogburn,haveinvestigatedthe...
If needed, the tractor could build a sand road for the wheeled vehicles if the water was too deep. Or, if there were obstructions on the beach, it could clear them out so trucks like the FWD SU-COE could proceed inland. In this case, it appears the beach was just fine for the SU...
American Bantam's opportunity for growth came with the competition to develop a new 1/4-ton four wheel drive vehicle for the U.S. Army. Out of this competition with Ford and Willy-Overland, American Bantam's design laid the ground work for what would be forever known as the Jeep. ...
Because Chevrolet was a subcontractor to GMC, the trucks had GMC data plates in them. At the end of the war, all CCKW production had shifted to Chevrolet St. Louis. In 1944 and 1945, the daily run rate for CCKWs was larger at St. Louis than at the GMC plant in Pontiac, MI. ...
It should be noted that Chevrolet also built R-1830s for the B-24 and C-47. Author's photo. This shows a close-up of one of the fourteen cylinders on the R-1830 with its cooling fins. During the course of the Second World War. Buick built over 3.2 million cylinder heads for ...