ACFA American Association of Cat Fanciers lovers feline breeders promote welfare education knowledge of domesticated purebred an non-purebred cats to breeders owners exhibitors lovers fans of cats
ACFA American Association of Cat Fanciers lovers feline breeders promote welfare education knowledge of domesticated purebred an non-purebred cats to breeders owners exhibitors lovers fans of cats
The most distinctive characteristic of a Manx is its tail-lessness with a rump as “round as an orange”. Its body is medium in size, sturdy, and compact, with a short back that arches up from shoulders to haunches. The head is slightly longer than wide with a whisker break, eyes that...
RagaMuffins grow to be one of the largest cats in the cat fancy with an easy-to-care-for medium to medium long, full coat that resists matting. It has a soft rabbit-like texture. The fur tends to grow straight out from the body, enabling you to rub against the grain, which they lo...
American Cast Metals Association American Cat Fanciers Association American Catahoula Association American Catfish Anglers Tournament Series American Catholic Church in the United States American Catholic Church in the United States and Latin America American Catholic Church of New England American Catholic His...
The American Canary Fanciers Association is based in the Los Angeles Ca area. We are dedicated to the showing and breeding of canaires of all types.
The double coat sets the Russian Blue apart from the other blue cats.This is a coat made of very dense short hair that stands out from the body at a 45 degree angle.Each guard hair is tipped in silver, giving the cat a very shimmering appearance.The texture of the coat should feel li...
Although cropped tails are a natural genetic variation, and have popped up now and then throughout feline history, this was the first time that Bobtails had been deliberately bred. Eventually, this led to the Bobtail being officially recognized by the American Cat Fanciers’ Association (ACFA) ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook thuja (redirected fromAmerican cedar) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia thu·ja (tho͞o′jə, thyo͞o′-) n. Seearborvitae. [New LatinThuja,arborvitae genus, from Medieval Latinthuia,sandarac, variant of Latinthya, from Greekthuā, thuiā.] ...
Learn how to tailor care to your kitty's unique needs with the most comprehensive cat DNA test. Get Complete for Cats Join our newsletter pack. If you are over 16 years old, sign up to receive pet parenting tips, product updates, special offers, and more from us, and otherMars Petcare...