ABPNS 英文缩写ABPNS 英文全称American Board of Physician Nutrition Specialists 中文解释美国营养专家管理委员会 缩写分类机构组织、农业科学 缩写简介The American Board of Physician Nutrition Specialists (ABPNS) was established by IPNEC to provide a credential that recognizes physician expertise in clinical ...
英文缩写 ABPNS 英文全称 American Board of Physician Nutrition Specialists 中文解释 美国营养专家管理委员会 缩写分类 机构组织,农业科学今日推荐缩写ECWAS 西非国家经济共同体 AG 安第斯集团 CCCM 加勒比共同体和共同市场 EMPRES (粮农组织)“跨界动植物病虫害紧急预防系统” GIEWS 全球(粮食和农业)信息及预警系统 ...
ABPNS 英文缩写ABPNS 英文全称American Board of Physician Nutrition Specialists 中文解释美国营养专家管理委员会 缩写简介 The American Board of Physician Nutrition Specialists (ABPNS) was established by IPNEC to provide a credential that recognizes physician expertise in clinical nutrition....
AAPS- American Association of Physician Specialists 美國醫師專家協會 醫療/生理 AAPS- Anglo-Australian Planet Search 英澳行星蒐索 區域/澳大利亞 AAPS- Association of American Physicians and Surgeons 美國醫師和外科醫生協會 社區/協會 AAPS- Association of American Physicians and Surgeons ...
board certification n. The process by which a person is approved to practice in a specialty field, especially medicine, after successfully completing testing and other requirements of a board of specialists in that field. board′-cert′i·fied′adj. ...
Journal of Parenteral and Enteral NutritionD. C. Heimburger, S. A. McClave, L. M. Gramlich, and R. Merritt, "The intersociety professional nutrition education con- sortium and American board of physician nutrition specialists: what have we learned?" Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition...
Dr. Rashel J Tahzib is a Board Certified Family Physician and a Diplomat of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, board certified in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine. She specializes in functional medicine, orthomolecular medicine and bio-identical hormone therapy, using an integrative tre...
The American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation is the national medical society representing more than 8,000 physicians who are specialists in the field of physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R). Click here to learn more. PM&R physicia
Dr. Rashel J Tahzib is a Board Certified Family Physician and a Diplomat of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, board certified in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine. She specializes in functional medicine, orthomolecular medicine and bio-identical hormone therapy, using an integrative tre...
ASEPA is the official constituent chapter of the American Academy of Physician Assistants (AAPA) representing PAs in the specialty of Endocrinology.