Bison (Bison bison) and cattle (Bos taurus) are closely related (can interbreed) and they also share many parasites. Cattle are commonly infected with one or more of the eight namedSarcocystisspecies:Sarcocystis hirsuta, S. cruzi, S. hominis, S. bovifelis, S. heydorni, S. bovini,S. ...
to estimated mean annual Human skeletal carbon isotopes. Proxy δ13C data on the incorporation of maize into the diet and sub- sistence systems of indigenous midcontinental populations from the middle to late Holocene were compiled Scientific Reports | 7:41628 | DOI: 10.1038/srep41628 10...
Sacred Pact or Overkill? Human-Bison Relations in North American Mythologiesdoi:10.14361/9783839445662-015G. MackenthunAn Eclectic Bestiary
Alligators in the Everglades have reduced length to weight ratio, reduced total length, and delayed onset of sexual maturity compared with other parts of their range. The reason for this poor condition is currently suspected to be a combination of low food availability and sustained high ...
America, the American lion evolved to adapt to the diverse habitats and prey available on the continent. This adaptation is reflected in its larger size and more robust skull compared to its African cousin, which might have been an adaptation to hunting large prey such asmammoths,bisonandcamels...
Although New England colonies could boast wealthy landholding elites, the disparity of wealth in the region remained narrow compared to the Chesapeake, Carolina, or the Caribbean. Instead, seventeenth-century New England was characterized by a broadly shared modest prosperity based on a mixed economy...
Specifically, the movement patterns and return routes of relocated crocodiles compared to the movement patterns of wild crocodiles are a key component to conflict mitigation and efficacy of the relocation program. Here, we aim to remotely identify patterns indicative of human–crocodile conflict by I....
Further analysis revealed that this overall effect masked dramatic differences between sexes, with the effect for boys (B= .519,SE= .173) twice that for girls (B= .246,SE= .061), and amounting to an effect size of almost a standard deviation. However, the small number of boys reporting...
Bison bonebedsHuman-animal relationshipsData concerning carnivore modification and utilization of North American zooarchaeological assemblages have often been used to understand site formation processes and rarely discussed beyond descriptions of tooth marks present or overall percentages of elements with ...