American bison 释义 美洲野牛 实用场景例句 全部 American bisonare very large. 美洲野牛非常巨大. 互联网 European bison having a smaller and higher head than the NorthAmerican bison. 欧洲的野牛,其头比美洲野牛的小且高. 互联网 The European bison ( Bison bonasus ) having a smaller and higher head...
American bison 美 英 un.美洲野牛 网络美洲牛;北美野牛;台北市立动物园美洲野牛 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 美洲野牛
【原文】 The American bison is an iconic species of the vast prairies that once stretched from the Rocky Mountains east across central North America, from southern Canada as far south as Texas. Also known as the American buffalo, this massively built animal has a large head, thick neck, and...
The birthing period for bison in boreal biomes is protracted compared to that of other northern ungulates, such as moose and caribou. 野牛群具有雄性和雌性都存在的优势等级。野牛的统治地位与其出生日期有关。在繁殖季节较早出生的野牛成年后更有可能更大,更有优势。因此,野牛能够在本赛季早些时候将其优势...
American bison- large shaggy-haired brown bison of North American plains American buffalo,Bison bison,buffalo genus Bison- sometimes considered a subgenus of genus Bos: American buffalo bison- any of several large humped bovids having shaggy manes and large heads and short horns ...
American Bison Bison are the iconic image of the Great Plains and the Old West. They are massive, shaggy beasts and the heaviest land animals in North America. Common Name: American bison Scientific Name: Bison bison Type: Mammals Diet: Herbivore Group Name: Herd Average Life Span In The Wi...
bison n. 野牛 american n. 1.美洲人 2.美国公民,美国人 3.(也作American English)美式英语 adj. 1.北美洲或南美洲的,(尤指)美国的 American n. 1.美洲人,(尤指)美国人 2.美国英语 adj. 美洲的,(尤指)美国的 Pan American a. 泛美洲的 anti American adj. 反美的, 反美利益的 sino Ame...
American bison是什么意思 美洲野牛 American bison英英释义 noun a large North American bison (Bison bison) that has a dense coat of dark brown fur with a shaggy mane on the head and lower neck, short hollow horns, and heavy forequarters with a large muscular hump over the shoulders and that...
Other articles where American bison is discussed: bison: The American bison (B. bison), commonly known as the buffalo or the plains buffalo, is native to North America, and the European bison (B. bonasus), or wisent, is native to Europe. Both species wer
Common Name: American bison Scientific Name: Bison bison Type: Mammals Diet: Herbivore Group Name: Herd Average Life Span In The Wild: 12 to 20 years Size: Head and body: 7 to 11.5 feet; tail:19.75 to 23.5 inches Weight: 930 to 2,200 pounds Size relative to a 6-ft man: IUCN ...