The Midwest regional context complicates Asian American college student activism and social justice efforts; so understanding these dynamics can equip higher education practitioners to better support these students.doi:10.1002/he.20321Jeffrey K. Grim...
Many parents are reluctant to educate their Asian American adolescents on sexual health topics because sexuality is taboo in most Asian cultures. A survey was conducted with Chinese, Filipina, Korean, and Vietnamese college females ages 18–25 to assess sources of abstinence and birth control educa...
Moreover, there also may be some indication that these images may also exist on our college campuses (Balón, 2003). In a 2001 examination of the top positional leaders of college campuses, Asian Pacific Americans (APAs) comprised only 1.2 percent of the nearly 3,848 college presidents in ...
Photos Opens at9:00 AM +1 (913) 338-0774 The Asian American Chamber of Commerce in Overland Park, KS serves as a networking hub for Asian American business professionals in the local community. Through various events and resources, the chamber aims to promote collabo...
Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs (APAPA) Asian Heritage Month CelebrationTuesday, May 7, 2024 5pm Reception, 6pm Program APAPA HQ, 4000 Truxel Road, Sacramento Tentative CA Dem Calendar for 2024 ...
Asian American and White College Students' Heavy Episodic Drinking Behaviors and Alcohol-Related Problems: Substance Use & Misuse: Vol 51, No 10 Background: Heavy episodic drinking (HED) and alcohol-related problems appears to be a growing problem among young adult Asian Americans. One promising ...
American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) - an international association of clinical pharmacists dedicated to optimizing drug therapy outcomes in patients by promoting excellence and innovation in clinical pharmacy practice, research, and education. A
In this study of 248 predominantly heterosexual Asian American college students, we found some HIV risks: lifetime prevalence of unprotected sex (37%), alcohol before sex (23.8%), and drug use before sex (6.0%). The prevalence of lifetime anal sex is only 9%, but 90.48% of those who ...
Using a large longitudinal national dataset, The Freshmen Survey and College Senior Survey by the Higher Education Research Institution, we analyzed 950 Asian American college students to explore associations between their diverse social experiences and perceived mental health compared to other racial groups...
We examined the cultural validity of the College Student Reasons for Living Inventory (CSRLI) with Asian American College Students (N=314). Although results did not completely replicate the six factor structure of the CSRLI as identified in Westefeld, Cardin, and Deaton (1992), partial support...