Upon hearing this, they eagerly showed me a picture of a custom-made flag that is a blend of the American flag and the Israeli flag. I was so touched that I asked them to tell me the story about how this came about. Paucher said that while in Dallas for the Texas State Fair, an ...
Meet Toka, the Most Dangerous Israeli Spyware Firm You’ve Never Heard Of The Prince and The Spy – The Last American Vagabond The SAVE Act, REAL ID & ID2020 – Using The #TwoPartyIllusion & The Election To Usher In Digital IDs GAZA STRIP: Famine is imminent as 1.1 million people, hal...
Progressive Protestants have come to take exceptionto Israeli policies, and,often, to the entire Israeli project.Liberal Protestant views have oftenbeenharsher thanCatholic ones. The Catholic Church has tried to walkafine line be-tween friendlyand sympathetic attitudestoward Israelis and Palestinians, ...
October 3rd, 20220The introduction of an Israeli Mossad agent as the latest Marvel movie character crosses the line, even by Hollywood's poor moral standards. However, the Israeli superhero, Sabra, must be understood within the rational progression of the Israelification of Hollywood, a phenomenon...
of Islam hate speech or Islamophobia to silence those who find some aspects of Islam barbaric is an attack on the right of free speech in the way that Jewish extremists will cry 'anti - semitism' whenever anybody utters reasonable criticism of the Israeli government's treatment of Palestinians...
According to Al Jazeera, the film seeks to show how information warfare waged by Israel and its supporters distorted the truth about the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, and won over the hearts and minds of Americans for the last 50 years. https://www.occupationmovie.org/ Australian Orthodox Octob...
a former israeli paratrooper with a therapist's sensitive demeanor, was chosen as the emissary, as richardson would draw too much attention. in september, bergman achieved what he described as the first face-to-face meeting between american and north korean representatives in pyongyang in nearly tw...
Perlstein illustrates, too, how the chaos in America dovetailed with violence abroad, such as the 1972 massacre of the Israeli Olympic athletes in Munich, Germany, at the hand of Palestinian terrorists. His reportage covers both the liberal and reactionary responses of ordinary citizens. A perfect...
I have a photo of myself age twelve reciting the poem with clenched fist in the air on a stage draped with Soviet and American flags. "Ich bin a Yid" is not a good poem, filled as it is with banal sentiments, but it has an impressive and stirring sound in Yiddish. Its most ...