The Chamber’s goal is to have a national set of privacy requirements that protects children and consumers, allows businesses of all sizes to use the latest technology, and permits the United States to be the global leader in technology and innovation. We believe that in its current form...
September 2022 – Alyssa, American traveler:“We arrived in Paris with our two little kids, getting ready to caravan with some friends here in France. So far, I would say Paris is medium to low in terms of crowdedness. Public transit hasn’t been too packed. Everything is open and mask...
At SAS, we value and support our faculty so they can better value and support our kids. Through our professional learning program, you’ll find the innovative, empowering energy that is infused in our student experience is found at the heart of our fa...
A spokesperson for the airline explained that Straka will be banned from flying American for as long as its mask requirements are in place. "American Airlines thoroughly reviewed an incident on June 17 involving one of our customers, Brandon Straka," the airline said in a statement. "As a ...
The committee is responsible for assuring that candidates nominated by petition meet eligibility requirements. Additional tasks include preparing a report, including the slate of candidates, for the Secretary to submit with a ballot to the membership no fewer than 45 days prior to the Annual Meeting...
for this mother, her children’s cases can be dismissed if she and the children comply with the Judge’s probation terms. In this Court, the court costs are actually at the lowest end of the range for the price established by the state; some judges can charge as much as$150 per case...