FlightAware 航空照片: Airbus A319 (双发)(N815AW), N815AWA319-132 SN:1323Flight:AAL1816 FLL to DCA2017-02-15 KFLL RWY 28RPhoto:Rafael Zorrilla KFLL
The article discusses the story behind the bombing attempt of the Northwest Airlines Flight 253 by the alleged attempted bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. Reports says that Abdulmutallab set up a bomb hidden in his underwear. It notes that the Keepman family testifies to the authorities after ...
选择美国航空航班,3 月 25 日(星期二)从哈林根前往帕斯克,4 月 22 日(星期二)返回,价格为 $613,最新报价 2 天前 哈灵根,德克萨斯(HRL-山谷国际机场)至帕斯科的航线信息 出发机场 哈灵根,德克萨斯(HRL-山谷国际机场) 到达机场 三城机场 往返票价 $311 距离 1816 mi * 适用于 Expedia 会员。