American agriculture: A brief history: R. Douglas Hurt. 412 pp. 1994 (Second Printing 1996), Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa. $36.96 hbk. ISBN 0-8138-2376-5doi:10.1016/S0743-0167(98)00036-9DonaldParkersonSDOSJournal of Rural Studies...
Among the other causes of the eventual market collapse were low wages, the proliferation of debt, a weak agriculture, and an excess of large bank loans that could not be liquidated. >>> for more, link here. Posted by The Best American Poetry on October 29, 2019 at 05:53 PM in ...
W. The development of maize agriculture in the Virú valley, Peru. in The Chemistry of Prehistoric Human Bone (ed. Price, T. D.) 68–104 (Cambridge University Press, New York, 1989). Aufderheide, A. C. Results of tests performed on the bones on Aguazuque I. in Aguazuque. ...
Two decades of significant progress in agriculture, development of mineral resources, industry, and transportation ensued. There also arose a brilliant group of thinkers and writers, the “Generation of 1898,” who gave Spain an intellectual and literary prominence in Europe that it had not enjoyed...
United States history United States Library of Congress University of Buckingham University of Chicago University of Hawaii Unorganised capital markets Urho Kekkonen Urho Kekkonen US AfPak policy US Agriculture US China policy US Constitution US Constitution 22nd Amendment US Court of...
It is a new way of harnessing philanthropic capital. We do not give out grants or donations but encourage entrepreneurs in six key areas that we focus in: housing, education, health, water and sanitation, alternative energy, agriculture and financial services. We have pioneered the idea of usin...
Changing climate impacts rivers through altered precipitation intensity, surface runoff, flooding, fires, sea level rise and droughts, and all of these have direct impacts on human health, agriculture, energy production and ecosystem resiliency59. Moreover, two-thirds of drinking water in the United...
mining and agriculture were the mainstays of life. Along with the textile mills, shoe factories, and iron foundries, the firms that produced McCormick’s wheat harvesters and Colt’s firearms displayed the technical advances of northern manufacturers. Their goods crisscrossed the country on the Nort...
the origin of the concept of the divine is the primitial or first fruit offering, the surrender of firstlings of food whether won by hunting, fishing, gathering, or agriculture. The Greeks speak of ap-archi, beginnings taken from the whole, for the god comes first." But without specific ...
same spirit FDR worked on a plan in the last days of his life which he called “Food for Peace.” This involved unleashing of American agriculture to feed the world, while deploying American technology to make hungry nations food self-sufficient....